The latest Foundation Home Loans and BVA BDRC research has found that 71% of landlords are unlikely to buy a property which has an EPC rating of less than C.
Paul Brett, managing director for intermediaries at Landbay, looks at the ongoing challenges in the buy-to-let market and the persistent rumblings of a landlord 'exodus' in the media.
Despite reports that smaller landlords with one or two properties will be hardest hit by current market conditions, the highest percentage of enquiries to The Landlord Sales Agency are...
High levels of tenant demand are believed to be the driving force behind a growing proportion of landlords planning to buy more property in the next 12 months, according to Landbay...
A new survey of over 2,000 landlords commissioned by the DPS has found that the strategies of buy-to-let landlords are continuing to be strongly influenced by turbulence in the wider...
Professional property investors are acutely aware of the risks and challenges currently facing the sector and are looking to pay down debt as they focus on optimising their...
Guy Coggrave, Managing Director, GSC Grays, looks at how The Renters' Reform Bill could offer landlords the opportunity to review their portfolio and consider if their properties and...