The percentage of buy-to-let business taken up by houses in multiple occupation is steadily growing, as more landlords look to diversify their portfolios.
New market analysis from Paragon Bank has revealed that major towns and cities across England and Wales are being targeted for investment by portfolio buy-to-let landlords.
Despite the severity of the 'landlord exodus' not living up to the hype, the average buy-to-let investor has reduced the size of their portfolio by as much as -27% across England and...
Growing confidence among landlords has seen many choose to build on their existing portfolios over the last year with a similar number looking to do so in the months ahead.
Despite a highly challenging 12 months for both landlords and developers, optimism remains relatively high and opportunities continue to be found, according to newly released...
Manchester-based chartered surveyors and auctioneers, Landwood Group, has reported a 300% increase in landlords putting their property portfolios up for auction in the past five...