Lawhive’s UK lawyer and head of legal operations, Daniel McAfee, looks at the Renters' Rights Bill and its potential to transform landlord-tenant dynamics.
There are currently an estimated 30,597 grey belt sites across England, enough to deliver 3.4m homes to the market if developed, according to data released by Searchland.
Karina Gerdes, Head of Resilient Homes at Mortgage Advice Bureau, outlines what homeowners need to consider before embarking on a bid to boost their energy performance.
First developed in the early 20th Century, the exclusive Wentworth Estate is one of Europe’s most distinguished residential enclaves, centred around the Wentworth Golf and...
Provisional estimates from HM Land Registry have shown that average UK house price annual inflation was 3.3% in the year to November 2024, slightly up from the 3.0% recorded in...
With only a matter of days until he sets foot once again in the White House, Compare My Move sheds light on how four more years of Donald Trump could influence the UK housing...