New research has analysed the number of holiday homes currently found across England and Wales, where the majority of them are located, and how much they are worth in the current...
In this two-part article, Ashley Pearson, National BDM at The Loughborough for Intermediaries, talks about the reality of being a holiday-let landlord.
Successfully renting out a property in the county you live in is hard enough, particularly in today's challenging environment. However, regardless of whether you're a first-timer or a...
In this two-part article, Ashley Pearson, National BDM at The Loughborough for Intermediaries, talks about the reality of being a holiday-let landlord.
Bev Dumbleton, Chief Operating Officer at Sykes Holiday Cottages, offers her insight on how short-term and holiday-let investors can better support the local community, from partnering...
A quarter of Brits are considering becoming holiday let landlords to earn extra income from the continued popularity of UK staycations, new research has revealed.
Andreea Petristor, chief growth officer from rental management platform, GuestReady, looks at how guest management services can help property owners maximise rental rates and occupancy...
New government proposals could see owners of second homes require planning permission if they want to use their property as a holiday let in English tourist hotspots.
UK Holiday-lets boomed during the pandemic as bookings for staycations soared due to travel restrictions. However, with restrictions fully lifted on March 18th 2022, could the cost of...