Tenants across England’s holiday home hotspots are being pushed out of their local housing markets due to huge rent increases, according to new research.
A new study has found that holiday rental providers could increase the likelihood of their guests booking extra nights by as much as 572% through improved communication.
Property experts at Your Overseas Home highlight some of the ways that the dynamic UK housing market could continue to affect overseas property purchases in mainland Europe next year.
Bev Dumbleton, chief operating officer at Sykes Holiday Cottages, looks at how holiday let owners can maintain booking momentum over the winter months.
With staycations remaining as popular as ever in 2023, Bev Dumbleton, Chief Operating Officer at Sykes Holiday Cottages, shares her insight and top tips on how you can financially...
Ben Edgar-Spier, head of regulation and policy at Sykes Holiday Cottages, breaks down the changes being introduced to the holiday letting sector to help provide clarity for any current...
Following a contraction of around 24% due to the impact of the pandemic, the UK holiday accommodation sector rebounded by 21% last year with further growth forecast for 2023.