Property Reporter's Top Viewpoints of 2023

Throughout 2023, we have had some fantastic contributions from industry professionals covering a wide range of topics. Here are five of our favourites.

Related topics:  Property,  Property Reporter,  2023
Warren Lewis | Editor
28th December 2023
top 5 for 2023

Kicking off our list is a piece from Rebecca Wilkinson, Business Tax Partner & property specialist at Menzies LLP. Rebecca looks at the process of incorporating a property rental business and breaks down everything landlords should take into account if they are aiming to set up as a limited company because of the tax implications.

In the ever-moving and often cloudy waters of UK tax law, these are very wise words indeed.

1: The limitations of Limited Company status for landlords 

Supply and demand disparity in the PRS coupled with a cost of living crisis have seen renters take far more notice of exactly what they're getting for their money than at any time before. With renter demand and expectations steadily on the rise, Fred Lerche-Lerchenborg, CEO of property management platform, Lavanda looks at some of the trends we can expect to see next year and how landlords and operators can adopt a multichannel approach to meet the changing demands of tenants and still remain competitive.

2: The future of renting: how tenant expectations will evolve in 2024 

Richard O’Neill, managing director of lettings at Romans Estate Agents highlights the importance of planning ahead and stress-testing when making a buy-to-let investment. This is particularly important when significant changes occur, such as rising mortgage rates.

His article also explains the trade-off between investing in the South, where capital gains are strong and in the North, where landlords would be more focused on yields and should be read by any serious property investor regardless of location.

3: How have yields changed for landlords? 

Despite there being no guaranteed formula for success in the property world, particularly during periods of uncertainty, the common requirements of knowledge, timing, and bravery will serve any property professional well.

Ritchie Clapson of PropertyCEO explores in depth how property investors and developers can turn to profit amid an economic downturn without a hotline to the Illuminati.

4: Making a property fortune in uncertain times 

The last word goes to Matt Cottle and his fantastic take on 'side hustles'. Despite being written back in January, it perhaps hits even harder today due to the sustained fragility of the economy and uncertain times ahead.

Matt's expert advice highlights a myriad of alternative income streams to consider (please choose at least three) and covers everything from how to turn your knowledge into a paycheque to the secret evil reason your boss buys everyone in the office coffee and doughnuts from time to time.

You’re either a worker or a hustler, as Matt explains here.

5: Want to get ahead this year? Get a side hustle 

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