Yesterday, Zephyr announced that it had cut rates by up to 0.15% on two and five-year fixed rate deals (up to 75% LTV) as well as launching a 0% product fee option on its two-year products to provide a wider range of options for landlords.
The new collaboration will see specialist finance broker, The Loans Engine enable mortgage brokers and landlords to access Zephyr’s wide range of buy-to-let products and market expertise.
Steve Nobbs, Unregulated Mortgages Director at The Loans Engine, shared his enthusiasm for the partnership: "We are thrilled to partner with Zephyr Homeloans. This collaboration allows us to provide more diverse and specialised solutions to our network of intermediaries and their clients, helping us to continue to deliver effective service."
Paul Fryers, Managing Director at Zephyr Homeloans, said: "We’re pleased to enable landlords and brokers who decide to access Zephyr’s range of buy-to-let products from The Loans Engine to do so in a way that best suits their or their customers’ individual needs.’