Ritchie Clapson CEng MIStructE, co-founder of propertyCEO, looks at why the government's proposed changes to permitted development rights may not achieve their potential to unlock...
Renters put the housing crisis ahead of the cost of living, NHS waiting times, inflation, climate change and immigration as the key issue to be addressed by the government.
Propertymark has urged the UK Government to make progress with plans to reform the leasehold system ahead of the second reading of the Leasehold and Freehold Reform Bill in the House...
An overwhelming majority of letting agents believe the Government is failing to understand the pressures facing the private rented sector and wider housing market.
The Department for Levelling Up has confirmed that the new rules which will see council tax doubled on long-term empty properties will come into force from the 1st of April this year.
While 11% of developers, investors, and landlords are excited to pursue commercial properties to EPC retrofit this year – the investment needed is still a major concern,...
Following a BBC report that claimed the government is rowing back on its promise to keep DFG funding in line with inflation, the NRLA has warned ministers not to backtrack on their...