The latest data shows that there are around 32k corner plot properties currently listed for sale across the nation - equating to just over 5% of all homes listed for sale.
Property developers can achieve significant price premiums for residential developments by incorporating the most sought-after design features into their architectural plans.
Almost a quarter of homes with gyms currently listed on the market have already been snapped up by health-conscious homebuyers, but they’re having to pay a hefty premium for the...
London letting agent, Foxtons, analysed current market values across each postcode currently home to one of its 57 offices, before comparing this average cost to the average house...
New research has analysed current house prices in postcodes surrounding the capital’s most famous brandmarks, from the Cutty Sark to St Paul’s Cathedral before comparing...
With excitement building for the Ryder Cup, the latest research from Quickmove Properties has revealed that if you want to live in close proximity to a top course, it's going to cost...