From 2025, all newly rented properties will be required to have an EPC rating of C or above. Ahead of the deadline, new research by BVA BDRC highlights how landlords are responding to...
Concerns regarding the cost of upgrading rental properties to the government's proposed minimum EPC rating are increasing among UK landlords, with over a quarter admitting that they...
Residential landlords in England are facing a £17.9bn bill to upgrade their properties and meet the government's proposed EPC requirements by 2025, adding further pressure to the...
Bill Chandler, Legal Director, Hill Dickinson LLP, takes a look at the recent changes in the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard which impacts EPC rating standards on commercial...
Following last September's mini-Budget, Landbay's green range for properties with an EPC rating of A-C was withdrawn. However, to encourage landlords to upgrade their property ahead of...
With the laws set to change again for home energy performance grades from 2025 and current proposals stating that all newly rented properties will be required to have an EPC rating of...
Standards in privately rented property have seen huge improvements over the past 15 years, largely driven by landlords keen to provide quality homes that they can ultimately rent out...
In 2015, new laws stated that privately rented property in England and Wales must have an EPC rating of E or above. The new laws came into force on 1 April 2018 for new tenancies, and...
Whether you’re a landlord or homeowner, energy efficiency matters. It’s good for both the environment and your wallet - but what role do EPCs play in this?