The current supply of homes for sale is 20% higher than this time last year, with £230bn worth of housing for sale - a £45bn rise on this time last year.
Prime minister Rishi Sunak announced earlier this week that the country would take to the polls for a General Election on July 4th: we've gathered industry reaction here, ranging from...
The Renters (Reform) Bill, which is designed to ban landlords from evicting tenants for no reason, will not become law - with not enough time to pass the legislation before parliament...
In England, landlords continue to reserve the right to prevent pets from their properties, but that doesn’t mean you cannot rent with a pet altogether.
Ahead of tomorrow's elections, the membership body for property agents has written to London Mayor candidates highlighting proposals to tackle the unique housing challenges that the...
The market is continuing to correct itself following the fallout from the Mini-Budget but is 'on track' for 1.1m sales this year - a 10% rise compared to last year.
The 'race for space' is over, according to Halifax who say that rising demand for smaller homes has helped to drive growth in UK property prices in the early months of this year.