Pete Mugleston, MD and mortgage expert at Online Mortgage Advisor has outlined the most common mortgage-related scams and offered guidance on the subject.
Shaylesh Patel, founder of the Ban Box Shifting campaign explains what needs to be done to end unethical business rates avoidance practices among landlords and multi-chain operators.
A growing number of property developers are admitting that they have been a victim of financial crime – including money laundering, according to new data from a cross-sector...
Mortgage-related fraud has seen a 32.8% over the past year, compounding an already difficult year for the mortgage industry as it continues to battle an economically turbulent...
The flow of dirty money into property development firms is increasing, as 40% report a rise in the number of Suspicious Activity Reports they have submitted over the past six months,...
Over two-thirds of property developers are struggling under the “worrying weight of compliance”, admitting that their concerns about committing an anti-money laundering...