Hinckley & Rugby Building Society has announced the launch of a Buy-to-Let 5-year fixed rate at 4.99%, designed specifically for limited companies allowing top slicing.
Limited companies are now the 'new normal' for UK landlords, with over 46,000 companies set up between January and September 2024 - a year-on-year rise of 23% and more than the total...
A new survey has revealed that just under half of mortgage brokers expect to place more limited company buy-to-let business throughout the next 12 months.
James Mole, Director of property funding and insurance firm, J3 Advisory shares his guidance for landlords setting up limited companies amidst a surge in demand
Rebecca Wilkinson, Business Tax Partner & property specialist at Menzies LLP looks at the things landlords should consider when weighing up whether to set up as a limited company...
Professional landlords have been urged to keep their eyes wide open over Personal Guarantee risks associated with limited company buy-to-let mortgages.