All Business Stories

New build 361
28th November 2022

Independent provider of warranty and insurance for new-build homes, NHBC, has announced that it has brought together experts from the Build to Rent sector to share their thoughts on...

builder construction build house scaffold
28th November 2022

The construction industry has claimed that land banking is a myth and that changes to the levelling up and regeneration bill are counterproductive, arguing that developers are keen to...

Yann Blend 628
24th November 2022

Yann Murciano, CEO at specialist development finance lender Blend, writes an open letter to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities on how to protect...

Empty shop 058
21st November 2022

The term meanwhile space refers to the concept of temporary occupancy of an empty space awaiting redevelopment, potentially completely transforming an area and its community. However,...

Handshake 56
18th November 2022

UK property services and lettings business, Leaders Romans Group has announced that it has joined the partner network of buy-to-let company creation and management platform,...

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