Pring.co.uk took two years to develop and has already attracted estate agents across the UK who have uploaded more than 300,000 properties onto the site.
It is the brainchild of entrepreneur Stephen Moss who started his career in an estate agency before going on to co-found a number of other property businesses, including, Legal 4 Landlords headquartered in Warrington.
For the first time, Pring.co.uk allows users to search for investment properties which meet their exact requirements using a range of search criteria, including location, purchase price, rental value, mortgage cost, potential yield and return on investment.
More than 5,000 agents from across the UK have uploaded their properties and the site is attracting more than 100,000 visits a month.
The launch comes at a time of boom for the buy to let sector with almost one in five homes in Britain now owned by private landlords.
Stephen Moss, CEO of Pring.co.uk, said: “There was a clear gap in the market for a search portal dedicated to investment properties. I was hearing the same issues from property investors time and time again. There was nowhere they could go to search for suitable investment properties in one place without spending hours and hours going through each property in a given location and working out the figures. Pring brings together all the figures an investor needs before deciding whether a house is worth viewing.
We’ve developed the site to make sure it provides everything the property investor needs. They can look for properties in a specific area that give a particular return on investment and see immediately what the mortgage cost will be.”
Pring.co.uk can be used by investors of all budgets, ambitions and interests.
The site allows users to sign up to receive alerts when properties which match their criteria go onto the market. It also gives details of off market developments, discounted services and provides access to a dedicated investment specialist account manager.